Thursday, October 30, 2008



A. Questions related to GENRE (magazine article, review, speech/talk, letter to a magazine or newspaper, entry for a competition, newspaper article)

1. A media website which displays reviews has invited contributions from its users about a particular book, film or television programme. Write two users’ contrasting reviews (between 300–450 words each) about the same title, bringing out clear reasons for their different opinions. (June 08)

2. You have been invited to write a brief article for a teenage magazine in which you offer advice to its readers on dealing with stress and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Write the article. (June 08)

3. You have been invited by your community to speak about the ways in which the local area and its facilities could be made more attractive for residents and tourists. Write your speech, offering clear reasons for your ideas. (Nov 07)

4. You have been invited to contribute to a radio programme in which participants will describe their least favourite cultural experiences. You will have to talk about two of the following, offering reasons for your opinions: the worst book you have read; the owrst film or television programme you have watched; the worst piece of art you have seen. Write your talk. (Nov 07)

5. You have just read an article in a teenage magazine which argues that young peoples' increased access to the media and new technology is beneficial for a number of reasons. You feel very strongly about this and write to the magazine disagreeing with the ideas in the article. write this letter. (June 07)

6. You have been invited to reply to an article which appeared recently in your local newspaper. In the article the writer urged that women's rights have been taken too far and that men feel that they have lost their status and identity. Write your reply. (June 07)

7. You have been asked to write a magazine article called ‘Coping with Kids’. The article is aimed atparents and offers positive and constructive advice on how they should deal with teenagers in the family. Write the opening of the article. (Nov 06)

8. You have entered a competition in which you have to make a speech naming three things you would rid the world of and explaining why. Write the speech. (Nov 06)

9. You have been asked to write a magazine feature called ‘My Role Model’. In it, you should explain why a particular person (alive or dead) inspires you, and try to persuade readers that they should share your enthusiasm. (Nov 05)

10. Write a magazine feature for older readers called ‘Brave New World’. The feature should persuade the reader that current and future technology is not simply aimed at young people but that it can benefit older people too. The article should be written in a lively and interesting way. (June 04)

11. A major television company is running a competition to find a presenter for its new youyj music and entertainment show. Entrants are required to write in, outlining their personal qualities, what they could bring to the show and how they could present it. Write your entry.(June 04)


1. Does history teach us anything? (June 08)

2. ‘The punishment should fit the crime.’ Do you agree? (June 08)

3. 'Charity concerts do more harm than good'. What is your view? (Nov 07)

4. 'East is East and West is West....and never shall they meet.' Can the world live in harmony? (June 07)

5. ‘Fast food is bad for you and bad for the world.’ Do you agree? ( Nov 06)

6. Can it ever be right for one nation to interfere in the affairs of another? (Nov 05)

7. The United Nations is running an international competition called ‘What My Country and Culture Can Offer Others’. To enter, write an essay explaining what people around the world could learn from your country’s traditions and ways of life. (Nov 05)

8. ‘There is too much power in the hands of too few people today’. Do you agree? (June 04)

9. ‘Genetic research and experiments are doing more harm than good’. What do you think? (June 04)

C. Questions related to LIFESTYLE (how should we live? What values,beliefs,etc should we have?)

1. If you were able to create a new country, what kind of society and laws would you wish to see in the place - and why?

2. If you had unlimited wealth, what would you do with it and why? (June 07)

3. ‘You should think about the future.’
‘Live for the moment.’
Which of these views would you agree with more – and why? (Nov 06)

4. You are to be left alone on a desert island, from which you cannot escape, for a month. You have basic survival rations, but you are also allowed three luxury items. Explain which luxury items you would take with you and why. (June 05)

5. ‘Turn the other cheek’.
‘An eye for an eye’.
Which view are you in closer agreement with and why? (2004)

6. How far do you agree that life is all about having fun? (PTEB Mock Exams 2006)

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