Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blk 1: Directed Writing by Dina

End of Year Examination: Commentary Question 3, Directed Writing ( passage by Alice Walker on the development of her novel 'The Colour Purple')

The wind whistled a harmony as if giving acceptance to our newborn and evergrowing relationship. I took a deep breath and exhaled confidently. I consulted my friends to build an abode there - the place was beyond perfect (even Celia, Shug and Albert thought so). I could just live there forever. Celia, Shug and Albert began to grow closer to me. Nonetheless, they became closer to each other. Laughs turned to quarrels. I always acted as the peacemaker. Finally, my heart opened up... I began jotting. I began writing. From jotting notes on the palm of my hand to jotting notes on sticky pads. Celia, Shug and Albert, also, began to open up. They wanted to explore. They were not shy anymore. My book is coming to life... and now... My quilt is done. :)
No. of words: about 130.

Grade: B+


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