Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blk 1 Writing a drama script or script for radio

How to write a dialogue

How to write a Radio play

(Homepage BBC ) How to Write…: (browse only) http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/arts/features/howtowrite/index.shtml

Writing a Soap opera story : http://www.ehow.com/how_2067605_write-soap-opera-story.html

Writing romantic dialogue : http://www.writing-world.com/romance/dialogue.shtml

Writing World Com: http://www.writing-world.com/ (browse only)

Past Examination questions on DRAMA SCRIPT or SCRIPT for RADIO

1. Using interior monologues (between 300– 450 words each), write a script for radio called‘The Two Faces’. In the script you should write contrasting sections which reveal different sides of the same personality. (Nov 2006)

2. Write a complete drama script called ‘You Never Can Tell’. In writing the piece you should explore the ways in which a character is deceived by appearances or events. (Nov 2005)

3. Write a piece of prose or drama script called ‘Memories’ for radio. The piece should make use of a narrator (and other characters if desired) and use brief flashbacks to show how certan events have shaoed the present. (PTE Mock exam 2008)

4. Write a script for a radio programme which deals with disease. (PTE Mock exam 2006)


1. Play Synopses: BRIEF SKETCHES http://web.ukonline.co.uk/pdwilson/Synopses.htm

Independence Day (mini-drama; 2m, 1f; 10 min)
A teenage son is at the stage of leaving home, but his parents too find advantages in independence.

Perils of Travel (conversation piece; 2f; 10 min)
Two young professional women, awaiting a flight to a meeting, discuss a missing passenger, security issues, and why not to travel in a business suit.

Crash (mini-drama; 2f; 8 min)
A teenage girl, who may or may not be dreaming, is visited by a friend who may or may not have stolen the first's boy-friend, and has been involved in a horrendous road accident.

Inn Memory (mini-drama; 2f; 8 min)
Why is the visitor alarmed by a completely peaceful rural scene?

2. Horton’s one-act plays : http://www.stagepage.info/oneactplayscripts/_oneact.html

3. Horton’s monologues: http://www.stagepage.info/monologs/_monologs.html

4. One-two minute monologues: http://www.stagepage.info/mouthoffs/oneminutemonologues.html

5. Other Fiction http://web.ukonline.co.uk/pdwilson/Otherfict.htm

6. Science Fiction scripts: http://scifiscripts.com/index.html

7. Drama magazine for young people: http://www.playsmag.com
Boxes: http://www.playsmag.com/html/Category/JuniorSeniorHigh/200110_13.html
One-time football hero returns home to confront tense family relationship. . .by Joanna L. Evans

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