Monday, March 17, 2008


Block 5: Here is a (sanitised!) selection of the euphemisms we looked at the other day. I am sure you can remember what they mean, if you can't, then look them up in the dictionary.

Ample proportions
Be excused
Between jobs
Big boned
Bite the dust
Bought the farm
Breathe one's last
Broad in the beam
Bun in the oven
Cash in your chips
Collateral damage
Dear John
Depart this life
Differently abled
Do your business
Dropped off the perch
Economical with the truth
Eternal rest
Ethnic cleansing
Fall asleep
Full figured
Happy event
In the club
In the family way
In trouble
It fell off the back of a lorry
Kick the bucket
Laid off
Leave the room
Little boy’s/girl’s room
Lose your lunch
Meet your maker
No longer with us
Pass on/away
Pass over to the other side
Peg out
Pop your clogs
Powder your nose
Put to sleep
Rest room
Smallest room in the house
Snatched from us
Spend a penny
Supreme sacrifice
The call of nature
The N word
The wrong side of the blanket
Tired and over emotional
Turn up your toes
Up the duff
Visually challenged
Well fed
With child

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